Monday, September 29, 2008
Things I'm Looking Forward To After Ramadan
We are really in the home stretch of our holiest Islamic month. And while I love Ramadan for several reasons, I'm looking forward to the end. And It's not just the presents that have my name on them (see above), but all the little things you take for granted when you're not fasting, like:
- Tea. I used to be a huge coffee drinker, but since going raw, I've moved to tea and its become a big part of my day. I use to get me started in the morning and break up the monotony at work. And it's great for warming me up when the office chill gets to me. I'll also put my beloved miso soup here, too. It's like a savory cup of tea...
- Running: Really I miss all working out while fasting, but running especially (and yoga second). A lot of weekends, I get up early(ish) and just have the urge to put in some miles. I make a green smoothie, get dressed, and hit the trails. During Ramadan, while I could technically go for a run, it's just not smart. The loss of all that energy could knock me off my feet for the rest of the day. Or put me in the hospital
- Minty Fresh Breath: Yes, the pink elephant in the room of fasting. Not eating also includes mints, gum, and anything else that might refresh a stale mouth. I do brush my teeth in the morning, and sometimes use mouthwash, but it's not good to do it too often. And there's also the vanity factor. Does my breath outrank Islam in my life? Exactly, put the Tic Tacs down...
Okay, so now that I look at the list, all typed up, its not that big of a deal. Especially since I only have another two days left. Had I not gone high raw and vegan this summer, it would have definitely been longer. I guess I'll stop being a wuss now...
Posted by Smoni Smo at 10:50 AM
Blog Onto Others....
This past week, I've read some really good blogs, raw and otherwise. You'd think this would remind me that I'm behind on my own blogging and to get to it. Wrong! Wrong! (c) Charlie Murphy. So, to make up for my slacking ways, I'm just going to blog throughout the day. Whatever comes to mind. There may be a few photos sent in too. Maybe by the end of the day I'll feel like I can't live without my blogging, and carry my multi-posting through the week. Maybe...
Posted by Smoni Smo at 9:24 AM
Sunday, September 14, 2008
That whole Saturn thing...
While reading through my favorite blogs, I realized I haven't written anything in a while. I'm going through a major transition period. So much is up in the air. I really don't know how to articulate what's gone in in the past few weeks. But I'm anxious to see what change will come in the next week or so. I'm concentrating on projecting positivity and retaining all the good habits I've developed over the summer. And I constantly remind myself that Allah is the provider. When you settle on that, there's nothing more to say...
Posted by Smoni Smo at 10:56 PM
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
A Wake Up, A Nudge
I am blessed with these days once in a while. Ones that relight the fire under me. Thank you to the woman that made me realize that I am an optimist because when something doesn't go my way, it's instinctual to channel that energy into doing more and doing it better.
Thank you, to the man, that through his death, made me see that as long as I'm consistent in doing the right things in Islam, everything will come to me. As long as I have the right intentions, and pass along my knowledge and fortune to those around me, I don't have to worry.
And that's that.
In memory of Shaykh Abdullah al-Harariyy
انّا للہ و انّا الیہ راجعون
Posted by Smoni Smo at 9:03 PM
Monday, September 1, 2008
Good, Bad, Fun, Sad, All Rolled Into One...
What a way to end the summer. First M and I embarked on the first ever Raw Food Extravaganza. We visited 4 raw food restaurants in New York over 3 days. We took a lot of pics and notes, so that'll be showing up soon.
In other news, guess who got a new job? N! I'm so happy for her. She's been miserable at our company, and the people around her haven't been supportive at all. It was a dead end career road, if I've ever seen one. Add to that a psychotic manager, and N was ready to tear her hair out on more than one occasion. But she found a job, doing what she loves, with sane people and advancement potential. And tomorrow she'll give her two weeks notice.
That makes me sad. I'm losing my work buddy! I won't be able to send countless instant messages and throw post its at anyone. There will be no lunch trips for sushi (or veggie rolls, as it were), no ditching work early for manis and pedis, no other person living the young, single life with me. So, I'm sad. I still can't quite believe she leaving. I know, TP and LB are still there, but it won't be the same.
N and I began our job searches at the same time, with a verbal agreement to get out while we could, but our approaches have been very different. She talked about it for a long time; I hit the ground running. I revamped my resume, applied to posted positions, and networked. She considered how much she disliked her current position. At the 4 month mark, I'm on the second major revamping of my resume and from my knowledge, she's applied to 3 positions, including the one she got.
So this leads my mind in two directions. One: no matter how much work you put into it, job hunting is all about masha Allah. Granted, I've prepared myself very well, but so much of it has no rhyme or reason. It's being in the right place at the right time, talking to the right people. So, maybe the best thing I can do now is wait patiently, pray, and keep my intentions pure.
The second thought is what else? What did I miss? What am I not doing? I'm drawing a blank. And I'm tired. And now I'm fasting (Ramadan Mubarak). It would be so easy to settle in where I am and not care anymore. But it's not my nature, and I would be miserable. All the work I've put in for the last three years would go down the drain. So I guess until I figure out what else I need to do, I'll have to settle for continuing to do what I have been: networking, calling in favors, trolling Craig's List, etc. You know, the whole slow motion, no motion thing...
Posted by Smoni Smo at 10:32 PM