Sunday, January 6, 2008

Weekends Are Too Short!

Why does it feel like I only get one true day off? Saturday is usually spent running errand, visiting family, and hanging with my stick girls, so Sunday is the only day I get to putz around my apartment, clean up, pay bills, whatever. And of course since I was out until 2am last night, I didn't wake up until 11am; half the day is already gone.

So what did I do yesterday? Shopped for the bridal shower that I'm throwing in about two weeks. I think over the last month, we'd all experienced some type of reality check and decided that we weren't going to lose our minds or go broke over this thing. We tweaked the menu and decor a bit and called it a day with brunch at Marathon. Then I got to talk to S about her trip for a couple hours (we always end up parked outside her house talking for hours, it's great). I love talking to people after they've taken a trip out of the States and this was her first. It opened her eyes so much, I feel like she's ready for anything and will make some major changes in her life. Like, West Philly is already too limited for her and she's talking about moving. I love it!

Then, we had dinner with probably my second favorite family after my own. It was a great meal (all halal!) with even better conversation. The hajj stories especially inspired me. This was the first time I heard stories from people my own age and they made me want to go ASAP. I don't know who I'll ask to go with me or wear I'll get the money, but Allah is the provider, and as long as I keep my intentions pure, it'll work out, no worries.

In other news, I may have some news, but this post is already too long, so I'll save it for later. To be continued...