Tuesday, October 14, 2008

And the winner is...

So what did I do last night? I hit the gym AND swung by Nordstrom to get my pants. I did 30+ minutes on the climber (and actually considered doing an hour), then jetted and called my mom on the way home. She asked about my pants (only a mom, huh) and suggested I get them last night while the mall wasn't crowded and I had nothing better to do. It turned out to be a great suggestion. I talked to her for about 15 minutes, then switched right over to a convo with my career guru (identity withheld to protect the innocent), so the ride to King of Prussia flew by. And I may be biased, but I love the Activewear department at Nordy's. Now they have great stuff from North Face for the season. A quilted jacket caught my eye ($150, of course) in addition to the Denali I still haven't gotten my hands on (never fear, this is the year). But seeing as how I have bigger fish to fry, I just picked up my pants and bounced. In fact, I was so on top of things, I called my dad on the way home. It really makes him feel special when his kids call and check in with him, especially since we're some of the few people that never ask him for anything (my sister not included, but she's a special case).

I had plans for a networking convo that night around 8 or 9, but I got home just in time to make a raw marinara sauce to go with my shredded squash before anyone called. I still didn't get to sleep until after midnight, though, and this morning when I woke up, it showed. I'm also sore in the upper arm/shoulder area. Today is supposed to be a yoga day but I'm dreading those downward dogs. But I've been doing so well, I may just work through the pain. And then maybe reward my self with guacamole? I've had a taste for it all day. On that note, in the land of new me, my third number change feels so close, yet so far away. Granted its that time of the month, but I also know winter makes it hard to stick to a raw diet. That's part of the reason I'm trying to stick to my workouts. Also, wouldn't you know it? It seems I have a social calendar. Just this week, I have 3 outings planned. And it's so much easier to eat vegetarian than vegan, not to mention raw. I'm pretty sure cash will make me bow out of one of them, but hopefully I'll remember to take pics and do some type of review for the others.