Have I been over this before? I can't remember, but it sounds familiar. Lately, I've been desiring that rush and pride that goes along with being mostly, if not all, raw. Maybe it's the extra attention I paid to what I ate. I thought working out more would make it easier for my body to process all the non raw foods I've been eating, like sprouted bread, brown rice pasta, oatmeal, soy yogurt, and even egg whites (gasp, I know). Not only are those things not really satisfying me (this definitely sounds familiar) but I've been craving greens, huge salads, fruits and berries and feeling extremely lethargic.
I figure I have two options. Ignore my body for a while and see if these cravings go away or listen to them and phase back into a mostly raw diet. Now, a few months ago, I attempted to add green smoothies back into my diet. Both times, I couldn't stomach more than a few ounces and ended up letting them go bad. And I hate to waste food, so I'm really cautious about trying them again. I also thought about mixing Vita Mineral Green with some water and gulping that down each morning. Maybe I'll do another month long challenge, March 3-April 3, when I plan on going to Boston for the first time. I'm supposed to see a nutritionist soon, but she's flaking and I don't know if I have time for that.
What to do, what to do...