I'm here at work, not doing much, and realized I'm behind on my blogging. So, here I am, catching up. But where to start?
I got a bike. A real, honest to goodness, cycling, just waiting for some aero bars and clip less pedals, bike. I have a pic on my phone that I'll upload in a bit.
I'm reading Thrive by Brendan Brazier. I've been kind of frustrated by a lot of the raw food books out there in that they're really vague when it comes to how you should fit a raw vegan diet around a dedicated fitness program. Brendan's diet isn't strictly raw, but has just enough cooked food to keep away the cravings. And it's high quality cooked food, like quinoa and baked veggies. A lot of his recipes could probably be put in the dehydrator, too, since they're so simple. I went a little crazy with the cooking on Sunday and made the Sunflower Beet Pizza, which was great, pic to follow. I also made an Avocado Cayenne salad which was pretty good. I have a couple types of burgers that I haven't dug into yet. I also made 3 types of energy bars. They taste ok but I don't like the consistency. I want them to be firmer. Maybe they need to be dehydrated, too.
That's all for now. I'll have more when I remember what I meant to write about in the first place...