Monday, September 1, 2008

Good, Bad, Fun, Sad, All Rolled Into One...

What a way to end the summer. First M and I embarked on the first ever Raw Food Extravaganza. We visited 4 raw food restaurants in New York over 3 days. We took a lot of pics and notes, so that'll be showing up soon.

In other news, guess who got a new job? N! I'm so happy for her. She's been miserable at our company, and the people around her haven't been supportive at all. It was a dead end career road, if I've ever seen one. Add to that a psychotic manager, and N was ready to tear her hair out on more than one occasion. But she found a job, doing what she loves, with sane people and advancement potential. And tomorrow she'll give her two weeks notice.

That makes me sad. I'm losing my work buddy! I won't be able to send countless instant messages and throw post its at anyone. There will be no lunch trips for sushi (or veggie rolls, as it were), no ditching work early for manis and pedis, no other person living the young, single life with me. So, I'm sad. I still can't quite believe she leaving. I know, TP and LB are still there, but it won't be the same.

N and I began our job searches at the same time, with a verbal agreement to get out while we could, but our approaches have been very different. She talked about it for a long time; I hit the ground running. I revamped my resume, applied to posted positions, and networked. She considered how much she disliked her current position. At the 4 month mark, I'm on the second major revamping of my resume and from my knowledge, she's applied to 3 positions, including the one she got.

So this leads my mind in two directions. One: no matter how much work you put into it, job hunting is all about masha Allah. Granted, I've prepared myself very well, but so much of it has no rhyme or reason. It's being in the right place at the right time, talking to the right people. So, maybe the best thing I can do now is wait patiently, pray, and keep my intentions pure.

The second thought is what else? What did I miss? What am I not doing? I'm drawing a blank. And I'm tired. And now I'm fasting (Ramadan Mubarak). It would be so easy to settle in where I am and not care anymore. But it's not my nature, and I would be miserable. All the work I've put in for the last three years would go down the drain. So I guess until I figure out what else I need to do, I'll have to settle for continuing to do what I have been: networking, calling in favors, trolling Craig's List, etc. You know, the whole slow motion, no motion thing...